
ABB焊接機(jī)器人工作站組件 IRB 1520ID高精度弧焊機(jī)器人 機(jī)器人本體

品牌: ABB
工作范圍: 1.50 m
有效載荷: 4 kg
手臂荷重: 10 kg
單價(jià): 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2017-08-22 19:45
瀏覽次數(shù): 481

       ABB新型機(jī)器人IRB 1520ID是一款高精度中空臂弧焊機(jī)器人 (集成配套型),能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)連續(xù)不間斷地生產(chǎn),可節(jié)省高達(dá)50%的維護(hù)成本,與同類產(chǎn)品相比,焊接單位成本*低。
       IRB 1520ID即可在數(shù)小時(shí)內(nèi)完成安裝進(jìn)行使用,幫助您提高生產(chǎn)效率,實(shí)現(xiàn)高成本效益的穩(wěn)定生產(chǎn)。中空臂設(shè)計(jì)的IRB 1520ID(集成配套型),將軟管束和焊接線纜分別同上臂和底座緊密集成。這就意味著,弧焊所需的所有介質(zhì)(包括電源、焊絲、保護(hù)氣和壓縮空氣)均采用這種方式走線,實(shí)現(xiàn)性能與能效的*優(yōu)化。
       IRB 1520ID能幫助您實(shí)現(xiàn)穩(wěn)定的焊接,獲得高度精確的焊接路徑,縮短焊接周期,延長管件和線纜壽命。得益于集成配套式設(shè)計(jì),該機(jī)器人在焊接圓柱形工件時(shí),動(dòng)作毫無停頓,一氣呵成;而在窄小空間內(nèi),該機(jī)器人同樣行動(dòng)自如,游刃有余。.

       The Lean Arc Welder.
       ABB's IRB 1520ID is a high precision arc welder, with integrated process dressing that combines 24/7 production output with 50% lower cost of maintenance to deliver the lowest cost per weld in its class.
       The IRB 1520ID can be up and running in hours and will boost your productivity with cost-efficient and highly reliable production. Thanks to the integrated dressing, the hose package on the upper arm and the welding cablings at the base are totally integrated into the robot. This means that all the media necessary for arc welding, including power, welding wire, shielding gas and pressurized air, is routed for maximized performance and energy efficiency.
       With the IRB 1520ID you get stable welding, high path accuracy, short cycle times and long lifetime of the hose package and cablings. Thanks to the integrated dressing, welding around cylindrical objects can be carried out without any stops and hard to reach weld seams are more easily accessed.

        機(jī)器人版型        工作范圍        有效載荷      手臂荷重
        IRB 1520ID         1.50 m           4 kg            10 kg


IRB 1520ID技術(shù)參數(shù)
