

  • 文件類型:PDF文檔
  • 文件大。1.8M
  • 更新日期:2016-02-26
  • 瀏覽次數(shù):596
  • 下載次數(shù):106
  • 上傳會員:shinaide
1、Use of the T1 function (contd.)
Closing the switch disconnector
  ■ Act on the interlock, by shifting it downwards
  ■ Insert the operating lever into the switch disconnector control.
  ■ Grasp the lever with both hands.
  ■ Turn the lever clockwise, up to reach the end of stroke The mimic diagram
indicator will turn from the open line position to the closed line position .
  ■ Extract the operating lever.
2、pening the switch disconnector
  ■ Insert the operating lever into the switch disconnector control
  ■ Grasp the lever with both hands
  ■ Turn the lever counter clockwise, up to reach the end of stroke  The mimic diagram
indicator will turn from the closed line position to the open line
  ■ Extract the operating lever
3、Maintenance (contd.)
  ■ Ensure that the function’s earthing switch is closed
  ■ Act on the interlock of the door, by shifting it rightwards
  ■ After unlocking the fuse compartment door handle by the key, rotate the handle
itself counter clockwise
  ■ Fully open the fuses compartment door, in order to restore the correct position of
the rod placed on the fuses compartment door
  ■ Apply the lever to the fuseholder cover and screw into the two holes predisposed
on the cover the two finned screws.
